Premier: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Nicholas Norman 16 16 100.00
2 Bruce McEwan 7 7 100.00
3 Mack Cotter 1 1 100.00
3 bruce mcewan 1 1 100.00
5 Michael Wallace 14 15 93.33
6 Joseph Campbell 14 16 87.50
7 Ethan Walsh 12 16 75.00
8 Will Sheasby 12 17 70.59
9 Sunny Bomma 10 16 62.50
10 David Gerrard 3 5 60.00
11 Stephen Goddard 9 16 56.25
12 Jim Watson 8 16 50.00
13 Damien Arbon 8 17 47.06
14 Andrew Schwenke 7 16 43.75
14 Stefano Mason-Moia 7 16 43.75
16 Anthony Spillman 7 17 41.18
17 Gary Sheasby 4 10 40.00
18 Peter Homes 5 16 31.25
19 Finlay Watson 5 17 29.41
20 Alistair Gardiner 4 17 23.53
21 Aaron Simpson 3 13 23.08
22 Corey Ainsworth 2 10 20.00
23 Josh Clifton 1 5 20.00
24 Josh Rawlings 2 12 16.67
25 James Lee 1 17 5.88
26 Anthony Cotter 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Nicholas Norman 1452
2 Jim Watson 1324
3 Damien Arbon 1315
4 Bruce McEwan 976
5 James Lee 962
6 Will Sheasby 931
7 Stephen Goddard 925
8 Finlay Watson 903
9 Stefano Mason-Moia 897
10 Michael Wallace 891
11 Gary Sheasby 844
12 Andrew Schwenke 836
13 Anthony Cotter 826
14 Corey Ainsworth 803
15 Aaron Simpson 782
16 Joseph Campbell 659
17 Peter Homes 642
18 Anthony Spillman 629
19 David Gerrard 583
20 Ethan Walsh 561
21 bruce mcewan 552
22 Sunny Bomma 542
23 Mack Cotter 464
24 Alistair Gardiner 459
25 Josh Rawlings 457
26 Josh Clifton 438
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Nicholas Norman 100.00 16 0
2 Will Sheasby 70.59 12 5
3 Michael Wallace 93.33 14 1
4 Joseph Campbell 87.50 14 2
5 Ethan Walsh 100.00 10 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Joseph Campbell 5 5 100.00
2 Will Sheasby 2 2 100.00
3 Stephen Goddard 5 9 55.56
4 Stefano Mason-Moia 6 12 50.00
5 David Gerrard 2 4 50.00
6 Anthony Spillman 5 12 41.67
7 Ethan Walsh 2 6 33.33
7 Josh Rawlings 2 6 33.33
9 Josh Clifton 1 3 33.33
10 Gary Sheasby 2 7 28.57
11 Damien Arbon 3 11 27.27
12 Aaron Simpson 3 12 25.00
13 Finlay Watson 2 9 22.22
14 Corey Ainsworth 1 5 20.00
14 Peter Homes 1 5 20.00
14 Andrew Schwenke 1 5 20.00
17 Alistair Gardiner 1 10 10.00
18 James Lee 1 17 5.88
19 Jim Watson 5 0.00
20 Sunny Bomma 2 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Joseph Campbell 563 659 96
2 Anthony Spillman 567 629 62
3 Ethan Walsh 500 561 61
4 bruce mcewan 500 552 52
5 Aaron Simpson 738 782 44
6 Gary Sheasby 807 844 37
7 James Lee 928 962 34
8 Josh Clifton 415 438 23
9 Damien Arbon 1299 1315 16
10 Andrew Schwenke 829 836 7
10 Stephen Goddard 918 925 7
12 David Gerrard 577 583 6
13 Nicholas Norman 1451 1452 1
14 Bruce McEwan 976 976 0
15 Anthony Cotter 831 826 -5
16 Sunny Bomma 548 542 -6
17 Michael Wallace 898 891 -7
18 Will Sheasby 941 931 -10
19 Stefano Mason-Moia 910 897 -13
20 Alistair Gardiner 479 459 -20
21 Jim Watson 1352 1324 -28
22 Corey Ainsworth 835 803 -32
23 Finlay Watson 942 903 -39
24 Josh Rawlings 500 457 -43
25 Peter Homes 716 642 -74
26 Mack Cotter 600 464 -136
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Anthony Cotter 1 1 100.00
2 James Lee 16 17 94.12
3 Josh Rawlings 10 12 83.33
4 Corey Ainsworth 8 10 80.00
5 Josh Clifton 4 5 80.00
6 Aaron Simpson 10 13 76.92
7 Alistair Gardiner 13 17 76.47
8 Finlay Watson 12 17 70.59
9 Peter Homes 11 16 68.75
10 Gary Sheasby 6 10 60.00
11 Anthony Spillman 10 17 58.82
12 Andrew Schwenke 9 16 56.25
12 Stefano Mason-Moia 9 16 56.25
14 Damien Arbon 9 17 52.94
15 Jim Watson 8 16 50.00
16 Stephen Goddard 7 16 43.75
17 David Gerrard 2 5 40.00
18 Sunny Bomma 6 16 37.50
19 Will Sheasby 5 17 29.41
20 Ethan Walsh 4 16 25.00
21 Joseph Campbell 2 16 12.50
22 Michael Wallace 1 15 6.67
23 Nicholas Norman 0 16 0.00
24 Bruce McEwan 0 7 0.00
25 Mack Cotter 0 1 0.00
25 bruce mcewan 0 1 0.00