JSRC Super IX Racketball league

Super XI Racketball League Rules



JSRC Super X1 Racketball League


All matches are to be played using the PARS (Point A Rally Scoring system) as per England Squash rules. In simple terms, this now means every rally results in a point regardless of who actually served the ball.

The first player to score 11 points in a game is the winner, if a game becomes tied at 10 – 10 then the game must be won by a golden point i.e.: 11-10 no two clear points are allowed. All three games must be played in a match

If a player wins the match 11-9/9-11/11-9. The score is recorded as 33-27- the match is a 2-1 win


All players are equally responsible for the arrangement of games (although Saturday afternoon is preferred) and should make every effort to contact the other members of their league. If you do not play your games in the allocated time frame, you will not score any points.


Players are asked to avoid these by rearranging matches where possible.
If a player has been offered 2 sensible alternative dates and is unable/unwilling to play or a player fails to arrive for a pre-arranged match without informing his opponent or the league organiser within a reasonable time then a walkover may be claimed with a 33 – 0 score recorded and 3 games to 1 win.

Please remember walkovers should only be claimed as the last resort and anyone found to be un-sportingly abusing the system or using it to claim matches that could have been played will have their results erased & be relegated and miss this next cycle or for repeat offenders removed from the leagues entirely.



All promotions and relegations are subject to the discretion of the league organiser.
The following general rules will be applied:
The top 3 finishing players will be awarded a share of the prize pot,

1st £150

2nd £100

3rd £50

The bottom 2 players will have a chance to stay in the league but they must win a playoff battle with players waiting to join the league.

The bottom two players' names will go into a hat along with the two players in waiting names. The names will be picked out of a hat and paired up in the order they come out i.e. First name picked will play the second player picked and so on.


Players who do not play any league games in any one session will be automatically excluded from the next cycle's leagues.

1. Players who have not played any matches because of injury or unavailability (Holidays, Work commitments, etc) and wish to be included in the next session should indicate this on the sporty HQ results sheet or inform the League Organiser.

Such players will be awarded 0 points and will be excluded and will miss the next cycle of the league (Unless noted in point 1)


It is recommended but not mandatory that players use the Head black pro balls that are recommended for Racketball  although ball choice is optional.

Ball choice must be agreed upon by both players prior to the match commencing.


Wherever possible The Super XI Racketball league will commence on the First Month of the new season and last 10 weeks and then begin again on the second month of the new year and last 10 more weeks, therefore there will be two league cycles in a club season.

The cost for entry will be £40 per player by invitation ony, each player will be guaranteed 10 matches and if lucky to finish in the top 3 will be awarded a share of the prize pot.

Games that are played after the leagues have been taken down by the league organiser will NOT be registered and their match will be scored as a 0-0 result.