Esther  Benson
Esther Benson

Eerste River, Western Cape, South Africa


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Esther 's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
WS Tennis South Africa Custom 45 1251 479,450
WD Tennis South Africa Custom 118 871 294,400
GS 18 Tennis South Africa Custom 28 180 479,450
GD 18 Tennis South Africa Custom 44 125 294,400
XD 18 Tennis South Africa Custom 110 208 83,000
XD 16 Tennis South Africa Custom 70 181 83,000
XD 14 Tennis South Africa Custom 34 111 83,000
Womens Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 58 1277 553,050
GS 19 Tennis South Africa Custom 43 936 479,450
Girls U18 Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 33 181 553,050
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