Enrique Pelayo
Enrique Pelayo

Dublin, Ireland


SportyHQ Rating


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Matches All Time

Enrique's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
Senior Mens LCC Squash Club 22 90 886 Provisional
All Rankings Squash Ireland 461 1520 886 Provisional
All Men Squash Ireland 423 1177 886 Provisional
O40 Men Squash Ireland 61 143 886 Provisional
Admin Squash Ireland 500 2001 886 Provisional
Test Ranking List Squash Leinster 309 1746 886 Provisional
Leinster League Ranking Open Squash Leinster 309 1746 886 Provisional
LCC Squash Leinster League Open LCC Squash Club 25 134 886 Provisional

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