McKenzie Cowie
McKenzie Cowie

Western Cape, South Africa


SportyHQ Rating


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Matches All Time

McKenzie's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
WS Tennis South Africa Custom 353 1239 121,850
WD Tennis South Africa Custom 423 884 59,500
GS 14 Tennis South Africa Custom 77 384 121,850
GD 14 Tennis South Africa Custom 105 287 59,500
WS Junior Tennis South Africa Custom 252 1041 121,850
Womens Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 356 1267 136,725
GS 13 Tennis South Africa Custom 55 438 121,850
GS 15 Tennis South Africa Custom 147 842 121,850
GS 19 Tennis South Africa Custom 305 950 121,850
GS 17 Tennis South Africa Custom 233 819 121,850
Girls U14 Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 81 392 136,725

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