Ginger Kid Ginger Beer vs. The Hop Supply Co
  • Played at: Unknown
  • 1st Jul 2024 at 7:00pm
Ginger Kid Ginger Beer The Hop Supply Co

Lewis Penhall

Castlemaine , Victoria, Australia
0 - 3
12-15, 12-15, 14-16

Jesse Harding

Epsom, Victoria, Australia
3 - 1
15-13, 12-15, 15-9, 15-12

Matt Davis

Junortoun, Victoria, Australia
0 - 3
13-15, 10-15, 12-15
3 - 1
7-15, 17-15, 15-9, 15-9
Matches Won 2 2
Games Won 6 8
Game Points Won 184 188
Penalty Points 0 0
Bonus Points 0 2.00
Total 2 4