Division 1: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Stephen Gailer 12 12 100.00
2 Cameron Horchner 7 7 100.00
3 Joshua Rahul Raj 2 2 100.00
4 Kendrick Tan 1 1 100.00
4 Mohsin Tariq 1 1 100.00
6 Tony Dummer 17 19 89.47
7 Michael Coutts 12 16 75.00
8 Gregory Dickson 6 8 75.00
9 Wade Profke 12 17 70.59
10 Jacob Elms 4 6 66.67
11 Conway Deacon 2 3 66.67
12 Kerry England 11 17 64.71
13 Jason Bray 9 14 64.29
14 Kym Tracey - Patte 6 10 60.00
15 Lee Parish 3 5 60.00
16 Gary Kerswell 10 17 58.82
17 Seamus Kenny 6 11 54.55
18 Roger Darvill 8 15 53.33
19 Gerry Ferguson 6 12 50.00
20 Joel Roshan Raj 5 10 50.00
21 Georgina Davis 1 2 50.00
21 Rhett Marshall 1 2 50.00
23 Michael Bos 6 13 46.15
24 Alan Healey 5 11 45.45
25 Shane Peacock 8 18 44.44
26 Dave Bryant 6 14 42.86
27 Grant Martin 7 17 41.18
28 Tony Vlismas 5 13 38.46
29 Kurt Curran 6 16 37.50
29 Kelby Williams 6 16 37.50
31 Anthony Hulse 6 18 33.33
32 Danielle Watene 4 13 30.77
33 Hugh Taylor 3 10 30.00
34 Russell Daw 2 7 28.57
35 Doug Haigh 3 11 27.27
36 Zoe Aust 4 15 26.67
37 Brett Parker 3 12 25.00
38 Lincoln James 3 16 18.75
39 paul miller 0 3 0.00
40 Jim Calvert 0 2 0.00
40 Ren Tomlinson 0 2 0.00
42 Simon Parker 0 1 0.00
42 Carolyn Boukogiannis 0 1 0.00
42 ashley wilson 0 1 0.00
42 Scott Pattison 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Joshua Rahul Raj 1535
2 Stephen Gailer 1382
3 Cameron Horchner 1377
3 Kendrick Tan 1377
5 Mohsin Tariq 1350
6 Jacob Elms 1344
7 Rhett Marshall 1339
8 Lee Parish 1334
9 Georgina Davis 1315
10 Tony Dummer 1309
11 Kym Tracey - Patte 1307
12 Shane Peacock 1304
13 Roger Darvill 1301
14 Grant Martin 1299
15 Michael Bos 1295
16 Michael Coutts 1292
16 Lincoln James 1292
18 Wade Profke 1277
19 Kelby Williams 1273
20 Gerry Ferguson 1271
21 Dave Bryant 1269
22 Doug Haigh 1263
23 Ren Tomlinson 1260
24 Jason Bray 1259
25 Kerry England 1256
25 paul miller 1256
27 Tony Vlismas 1217
28 ashley wilson 1209
29 Conway Deacon 1197
29 Seamus Kenny 1197
31 Zoe Aust 1182
32 Gregory Dickson 1181
33 Gary Kerswell 1171
34 Scott Pattison 1167
35 Alan Healey 1147
36 Joel Roshan Raj 1142
37 Hugh Taylor 1138
38 Russell Daw 1125
39 Danielle Watene 1124
39 Brett Parker 1124
41 Kurt Curran 1122
42 Anthony Hulse 1119
43 Simon Parker 1107
44 Jim Calvert 1088
45 Carolyn Boukogiannis 908
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Stephen Gailer 100.00 12 0
2 Tony Dummer 100.00 4 0
3 Tony Dummer 100.00 11 0
4 Tony Vlismas 100.00 5 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Alan Healey 2 2 100.00
2 Tony Dummer 3 4 75.00
3 Michael Coutts 9 13 69.23
4 Kerry England 6 12 50.00
5 Joel Roshan Raj 5 10 50.00
6 Jason Bray 4 8 50.00
7 Seamus Kenny 3 6 50.00
8 Kym Tracey - Patte 2 4 50.00
9 Michael Bos 3 7 42.86
10 Wade Profke 2 5 40.00
11 Gerry Ferguson 3 8 37.50
12 Kurt Curran 4 11 36.36
12 Shane Peacock 4 11 36.36
14 Roger Darvill 3 9 33.33
15 Dave Bryant 1 3 33.33
16 Anthony Hulse 5 16 31.25
17 Brett Parker 3 11 27.27
18 Russell Daw 1 4 25.00
19 Zoe Aust 3 13 23.08
20 Gary Kerswell 1 5 20.00
21 Grant Martin 1 6 16.67
22 Lincoln James 2 14 14.29
23 Danielle Watene 1 7 14.29
24 Tony Vlismas 5 0.00
24 Doug Haigh 5 0.00
26 Kelby Williams 4 0.00
26 Hugh Taylor 4 0.00
28 Gregory Dickson 2 0.00
28 paul miller 2 0.00
30 Georgina Davis 1 0.00
30 Carolyn Boukogiannis 1 0.00
30 Jim Calvert 1 0.00
30 Ren Tomlinson 1 0.00
30 ashley wilson 1 0.00
30 Lee Parish 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Jacob Elms 600 1344 744
2 Anthony Hulse 969 1119 150
3 Michael Coutts 1203 1292 89
4 Kerry England 1168 1256 88
5 Joel Roshan Raj 1077 1142 65
6 Kendrick Tan 1327 1377 50
7 Zoe Aust 1138 1182 44
8 Joshua Rahul Raj 1498 1535 37
9 Jason Bray 1223 1259 36
10 Seamus Kenny 1162 1197 35
11 Lincoln James 1258 1292 34
12 Brett Parker 1094 1124 30
13 Kym Tracey - Patte 1277 1307 30
14 Tony Dummer 1286 1309 23
15 Rhett Marshall 1320 1339 19
16 Michael Bos 1278 1295 17
17 Stephen Gailer 1371 1382 11
18 Gregory Dickson 1172 1181 9
19 Gerry Ferguson 1263 1271 8
20 Gary Kerswell 1164 1171 7
21 Shane Peacock 1298 1304 6
22 Cameron Horchner 1372 1377 5
23 Roger Darvill 1298 1301 3
24 Carolyn Boukogiannis 906 908 2
25 Mohsin Tariq 1349 1350 1
26 Georgina Davis 1316 1315 -1
27 Wade Profke 1279 1277 -2
28 Conway Deacon 1199 1197 -2
29 Simon Parker 1110 1107 -3
30 Kurt Curran 1126 1122 -4
31 ashley wilson 1214 1209 -5
31 Scott Pattison 1172 1167 -5
33 Russell Daw 1133 1125 -8
34 Lee Parish 1342 1334 -8
35 Ren Tomlinson 1272 1260 -12
36 Danielle Watene 1140 1124 -16
37 paul miller 1272 1256 -16
38 Jim Calvert 1106 1088 -18
39 Tony Vlismas 1238 1217 -21
40 Doug Haigh 1290 1263 -27
41 Hugh Taylor 1168 1138 -30
42 Grant Martin 1337 1299 -38
43 Alan Healey 1185 1147 -38
44 Dave Bryant 1317 1269 -48
45 Kelby Williams 1336 1273 -63
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 paul miller 3 3 100.00
2 Jim Calvert 2 2 100.00
2 Ren Tomlinson 2 2 100.00
4 Simon Parker 1 1 100.00
4 Carolyn Boukogiannis 1 1 100.00
4 ashley wilson 1 1 100.00
4 Scott Pattison 1 1 100.00
8 Lincoln James 13 16 81.25
9 Brett Parker 9 12 75.00
10 Zoe Aust 11 15 73.33
11 Doug Haigh 8 11 72.73
12 Russell Daw 5 7 71.43
13 Hugh Taylor 7 10 70.00
14 Danielle Watene 9 13 69.23
15 Anthony Hulse 12 18 66.67
16 Kurt Curran 10 16 62.50
16 Kelby Williams 10 16 62.50
18 Tony Vlismas 8 13 61.54
19 Grant Martin 10 17 58.82
20 Dave Bryant 8 14 57.14
21 Shane Peacock 10 18 55.56
22 Alan Healey 6 11 54.55
23 Michael Bos 7 13 53.85
24 Gerry Ferguson 6 12 50.00
25 Joel Roshan Raj 5 10 50.00
26 Georgina Davis 1 2 50.00
26 Rhett Marshall 1 2 50.00
28 Roger Darvill 7 15 46.67
29 Seamus Kenny 5 11 45.45
30 Gary Kerswell 7 17 41.18
31 Kym Tracey - Patte 4 10 40.00
32 Lee Parish 2 5 40.00
33 Jason Bray 5 14 35.71
34 Kerry England 6 17 35.29
35 Jacob Elms 2 6 33.33
36 Conway Deacon 1 3 33.33
37 Wade Profke 5 17 29.41
38 Michael Coutts 4 16 25.00
39 Gregory Dickson 2 8 25.00
40 Tony Dummer 2 19 10.53
41 Stephen Gailer 0 12 0.00
42 Cameron Horchner 0 7 0.00
43 Joshua Rahul Raj 0 2 0.00
44 Kendrick Tan 0 1 0.00
44 Mohsin Tariq 0 1 0.00