Mens G Grade: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Lee Stone 3 3 100.00
1 Paddy Spriggs 3 3 100.00
1 Neil Harrington 3 3 100.00
4 Marco Amazzini 2 3 66.67
4 Corina Malatzky 2 3 66.67
4 Addison Fell 2 3 66.67
4 Matt Lea 2 3 66.67
4 Leigh Westcott 2 3 66.67
4 Andrew Grieve 2 3 66.67
10 Andy Fell 1 3 33.33
10 Grantley Creasley 1 3 33.33
10 Gary Hay 1 3 33.33
13 Sam Deluca 0 3 0.00
13 Joe DeLuca 0 3 0.00
13 Luke O'Brien 0 3 0.00
16 Gary Laing 0 2 0.00
17 Neil Bertelsen 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Paddy Spriggs 785
1 Leigh Westcott 785
3 Andy Fell 780
4 Neil Harrington 687
5 Corina Malatzky 682
6 Grantley Creasley 672
7 Addison Fell 636
8 Neil Bertelsen 611
9 Luke O'Brien 602
10 Matt Lea 573
11 Lee Stone 521
12 Marco Amazzini 520
13 Andrew Grieve 516
14 Gary Laing 510
15 Gary Hay 506
16 Sam Deluca 495
17 Joe DeLuca 494
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Andy Fell 0.00 1 2
2 Corina Malatzky 0.00 2 1
3 Addison Fell 0.00 2 1
4 Lee Stone 0.00 3 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Marco Amazzini 2 2 100.00
2 Neil Harrington 1 1 100.00
2 Lee Stone 1 1 100.00
2 Matt Lea 1 1 100.00
5 Luke O'Brien 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Paddy Spriggs 500 785 285
1 Leigh Westcott 500 785 285
3 Neil Harrington 513 687 174
4 Grantley Creasley 500 672 172
5 Marco Amazzini 461 520 59
6 Matt Lea 552 573 21
7 Andrew Grieve 500 516 16
8 Gary Laing 500 510 10
9 Lee Stone 512 521 9
10 Gary Hay 500 506 6
11 Corina Malatzky 682 682 0
11 Addison Fell 636 636 0
13 Andy Fell 790 780 -10
14 Neil Bertelsen 621 611 -10
15 Luke O'Brien 617 602 -15
16 Sam Deluca 600 495 -105
17 Joe DeLuca 600 494 -106
Biggest Rating Gain from a Single Match
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Sam Deluca 3 3 100.00
1 Joe DeLuca 3 3 100.00
1 Luke O'Brien 3 3 100.00
4 Gary Laing 2 2 100.00
5 Neil Bertelsen 1 1 100.00
6 Andy Fell 2 3 66.67
6 Grantley Creasley 2 3 66.67
6 Gary Hay 2 3 66.67
9 Marco Amazzini 1 3 33.33
9 Corina Malatzky 1 3 33.33
9 Addison Fell 1 3 33.33
9 Matt Lea 1 3 33.33
9 Leigh Westcott 1 3 33.33
9 Andrew Grieve 1 3 33.33
15 Lee Stone 0 3 0.00
15 Paddy Spriggs 0 3 0.00
15 Neil Harrington 0 3 0.00