Division 2: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Michael McDowell 5 5 100.00
1 Michael Kling 5 5 100.00
3 Petri Barnard 4 4 100.00
4 Glenn Christensen 3 3 100.00
5 Glen Lochhead 2 2 100.00
5 Amy Condon 2 2 100.00
5 Brendan Cook 2 2 100.00
8 Arrio Tong CY 1 1 100.00
8 Adam Broit 1 1 100.00
8 Robin Brister 1 1 100.00
8 Eric Chiang 1 1 100.00
8 Jet Lacquiere 1 1 100.00
8 Mana Stack 1 1 100.00
8 Bruce Kelly 1 1 100.00
8 Ross Hyytinen 1 1 100.00
16 Gavin Richardson 6 7 85.71
16 Martin Wilkinson 6 7 85.71
18 Jane Mohr 5 6 83.33
18 Solly Sol 5 6 83.33
20 David Gayle 4 5 80.00
20 steven spence 4 5 80.00
20 Glenn Donnelly 4 5 80.00
23 Will Lindsay 5 7 71.43
23 Euver Naranjo 5 7 71.43
25 James Bealey 3 5 60.00
25 Shane Haynes 3 5 60.00
25 Steve Earl 3 5 60.00
25 fred lagerman 3 5 60.00
29 Warryn James 3 6 50.00
29 Dean Barr 3 6 50.00
31 Hankins Leung 2 4 50.00
31 Anthony Roberts 2 4 50.00
31 Stephen Mills 2 4 50.00
34 Bradley Douglass 1 2 50.00
34 Roger Lennard 1 2 50.00
36 Nicholas Chaaya 3 7 42.86
36 Andrew Mcgrath 3 7 42.86
38 Stephen Graham 2 5 40.00
38 mark neville 2 5 40.00
40 Robert McLeod 2 6 33.33
40 Don Weerheim 2 6 33.33
40 Jim Calvert 2 6 33.33
43 Marcus Leung 1 3 33.33
44 Paul Van Wijk 1 4 25.00
45 Tony Clarke 1 5 20.00
45 Marc Melville 1 5 20.00
45 Robert D'Antoni 1 5 20.00
45 Tome Necevski 1 5 20.00
49 Timothy Pavlenko 1 6 16.67
49 Peter Volk 1 6 16.67
49 Chris Terry 1 6 16.67
52 Dan Keen 1 7 14.29
53 Mark Hayne 0 8 0.00
54 Dirk Grobler 0 4 0.00
54 Eric Abraham 0 4 0.00
56 Joel Parker 0 2 0.00
57 Hervais Maurel 0 1 0.00
57 Robert Biasillo 0 1 0.00
57 Frank McLean 0 1 0.00
57 Dave Flynn 0 1 0.00
57 Geoff Dowton 0 1 0.00
57 Adam Gough 0 1 0.00
57 Simon Taylor 0 1 0.00
57 Oliver Keefe 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Glenn Christensen 1278
2 Michael Kling 1241
3 Eric Chiang 1234
4 Stephen Graham 1222
5 Will Lindsay 1196
6 Gavin Richardson 1192
7 Stephen Mills 1180
8 Timothy Pavlenko 1176
9 James Bealey 1173
10 Glen Lochhead 1170
11 Ross Hyytinen 1165
12 Steve Earl 1155
13 David Gayle 1145
14 Robert McLeod 1132
15 Simon Taylor 1131
16 Adam Gough 1130
17 Nicholas Chaaya 1119
17 Dean Barr 1119
19 steven spence 1110
20 Petri Barnard 1106
20 Hervais Maurel 1106
22 Shane Haynes 1104
23 Bruce Kelly 1103
24 Glenn Donnelly 1098
25 Robert Biasillo 1097
26 Solly Sol 1086
27 Euver Naranjo 1084
28 Dave Flynn 1083
29 Chris Terry 1080
30 fred lagerman 1079
31 Jet Lacquiere 1078
32 Dirk Grobler 1068
33 Don Weerheim 1066
34 Andrew Mcgrath 1060
35 mark neville 1059
36 Martin Wilkinson 1057
37 Robin Brister 1053
38 Marcus Leung 1041
39 Brendan Cook 1033
40 Michael McDowell 1032
41 Mark Hayne 1031
42 Tony Clarke 1010
43 Amy Condon 1006
44 Anthony Roberts 1002
45 Jim Calvert 997
46 Adam Broit 990
47 Jane Mohr 986
48 Geoff Dowton 985
49 Warryn James 980
50 Hankins Leung 978
51 Joel Parker 977
52 Marc Melville 972
53 Roger Lennard 964
54 Tome Necevski 955
55 Robert D'Antoni 954
56 Paul Van Wijk 946
57 Frank McLean 933
58 Eric Abraham 932
59 Bradley Douglass 926
60 Mana Stack 921
61 Peter Volk 920
62 Dan Keen 913
63 Oliver Keefe 880
64 Arrio Tong CY 873
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Michael Kling 100.00 5 0
2 Gavin Richardson 83.33 5 1
3 Martin Wilkinson 80.00 4 1
4 Jane Mohr 83.33 5 1
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Glenn Donnelly 2 2 100.00
1 Michael McDowell 2 2 100.00
1 Amy Condon 2 2 100.00
1 Brendan Cook 2 2 100.00
5 Arrio Tong CY 1 1 100.00
5 Michael Kling 1 1 100.00
5 Martin Wilkinson 1 1 100.00
5 Roger Lennard 1 1 100.00
5 Adam Broit 1 1 100.00
5 Mana Stack 1 1 100.00
5 Ross Hyytinen 1 1 100.00
12 James Bealey 2 3 66.67
13 fred lagerman 3 5 60.00
14 Anthony Roberts 2 4 50.00
14 Steve Earl 2 4 50.00
16 Bradley Douglass 1 2 50.00
16 Will Lindsay 1 2 50.00
16 Solly Sol 1 2 50.00
16 Shane Haynes 1 2 50.00
20 Nicholas Chaaya 3 7 42.86
21 Hankins Leung 1 3 33.33
22 Marc Melville 1 4 25.00
22 mark neville 1 4 25.00
22 Chris Terry 1 4 25.00
22 Robert D'Antoni 1 4 25.00
22 Dean Barr 1 4 25.00
27 Peter Volk 1 5 20.00
28 Dan Keen 1 7 14.29
29 Dirk Grobler 4 0.00
29 Mark Hayne 4 0.00
29 Jim Calvert 4 0.00
32 Andrew Mcgrath 3 0.00
32 Paul Van Wijk 3 0.00
32 Warryn James 3 0.00
32 Eric Abraham 3 0.00
36 Robert McLeod 2 0.00
36 Stephen Mills 2 0.00
36 Marcus Leung 2 0.00
36 Joel Parker 2 0.00
36 Tome Necevski 2 0.00
41 Hervais Maurel 1 0.00
41 Robert Biasillo 1 0.00
41 Tony Clarke 1 0.00
41 Frank McLean 1 0.00
41 Timothy Pavlenko 1 0.00
41 Geoff Dowton 1 0.00
41 Stephen Graham 1 0.00
41 Don Weerheim 1 0.00
41 Adam Gough 1 0.00
41 Simon Taylor 1 0.00
41 Oliver Keefe 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Jet Lacquiere 933 1078 145
2 Arrio Tong CY 818 873 55
3 Amy Condon 959 1006 47
4 Ross Hyytinen 1120 1165 45
5 Nicholas Chaaya 1079 1119 40
6 Michael McDowell 992 1032 40
7 Dean Barr 1081 1119 38
8 Steve Earl 1119 1155 36
9 Glenn Donnelly 1065 1098 33
10 fred lagerman 1050 1079 29
11 Anthony Roberts 973 1002 29
12 Bruce Kelly 1074 1103 29
13 Robert Biasillo 1070 1097 27
14 Adam Broit 967 990 23
15 Marc Melville 950 972 22
16 Roger Lennard 943 964 21
17 Hankins Leung 958 978 20
18 Eric Chiang 1214 1234 20
19 Mana Stack 906 921 15
20 Robin Brister 1039 1053 14
21 Solly Sol 1074 1086 12
22 mark neville 1048 1059 11
23 Michael Kling 1233 1241 8
24 Bradley Douglass 919 926 7
25 Dirk Grobler 1062 1068 6
26 Marcus Leung 1035 1041 6
27 Robert D'Antoni 949 954 5
28 Joel Parker 972 977 5
29 Dan Keen 909 913 4
30 Warryn James 976 980 4
31 James Bealey 1169 1173 4
32 Martin Wilkinson 1055 1057 2
33 Glenn Christensen 1276 1278 2
34 steven spence 1109 1110 1
35 Shane Haynes 1104 1104 0
36 Glen Lochhead 1170 1170 0
37 Simon Taylor 1132 1131 -1
38 Gavin Richardson 1195 1192 -3
39 Jane Mohr 989 986 -3
39 Peter Volk 923 920 -3
41 Tony Clarke 1014 1010 -4
41 David Gayle 1149 1145 -4
43 Will Lindsay 1201 1196 -5
44 Paul Van Wijk 951 946 -5
45 Hervais Maurel 1112 1106 -6
46 Brendan Cook 1041 1033 -8
47 Jim Calvert 1006 997 -9
48 Dave Flynn 1093 1083 -10
49 Geoff Dowton 996 985 -11
50 Tome Necevski 969 955 -14
51 Eric Abraham 946 932 -14
52 Petri Barnard 1121 1106 -15
53 Frank McLean 948 933 -15
54 Andrew Mcgrath 1078 1060 -18
55 Adam Gough 1148 1130 -18
56 Don Weerheim 1085 1066 -19
57 Chris Terry 1102 1080 -22
58 Stephen Mills 1203 1180 -23
59 Mark Hayne 1055 1031 -24
60 Robert McLeod 1158 1132 -26
61 Oliver Keefe 906 880 -26
62 Euver Naranjo 1111 1084 -27
63 Stephen Graham 1254 1222 -32
64 Timothy Pavlenko 1232 1176 -56
Biggest Rating Gain from a Single Match
# Name Against Gain
1 Arrio Tong CY Jane Mohr 30
1 Glenn Donnelly Timothy Pavlenko 30
1 Steve Earl Stephen Graham 30
1 Dean Barr Will Lindsay 30
1 Michael McDowell Andrew Mcgrath 30
1 Mana Stack Euver Naranjo 30
1 Ross Hyytinen Timothy Pavlenko 30
1 Marc Melville Mark Hayne 30
9 Anthony Roberts Mark Hayne 24
10 Robert D'Antoni Tony Clarke 16
11 Shane Haynes Robert McLeod 12
11 Amy Condon Mark Hayne 12
13 Brendan Cook Chris Terry 10
14 Nicholas Chaaya Robert McLeod 9
14 fred lagerman Glenn Donnelly 9
16 mark neville Don Weerheim 8
16 Chris Terry steven spence 8
16 Peter Volk Eric Abraham 8
19 James Bealey Timothy Pavlenko 7
19 Adam Broit Marc Melville 7
21 David Gayle Robert McLeod 6
21 Roger Lennard Tome Necevski 6
23 Will Lindsay Timothy Pavlenko 5
23 Dirk Grobler David Gayle 5
23 Marcus Leung Shane Haynes 5
23 Mark Hayne David Gayle 5
23 Joel Parker Andrew Mcgrath 5
28 Gavin Richardson Stephen Mills 4
28 Paul Van Wijk Eric Abraham 4
28 Tome Necevski Frank McLean 4
31 Jane Mohr Tome Necevski 3
32 Hankins Leung Petri Barnard 2
32 Bradley Douglass Tony Clarke 2
32 Solly Sol Andrew Mcgrath 2
32 Dan Keen Michael McDowell 2
32 Stephen Mills Glenn Christensen 2
32 Glenn Christensen Stephen Graham 2
38 Warryn James Paul Van Wijk 1
38 Martin Wilkinson Anthony Roberts 1
38 Stephen Graham Will Lindsay 1
38 Don Weerheim Tony Clarke 1
38 Michael Kling James Bealey 1
38 Petri Barnard Andrew Mcgrath 1
38 steven spence Marcus Leung 1
38 Jim Calvert Hankins Leung 1
38 Robert McLeod Dean Barr 1
38 Robin Brister Warryn James 1
38 Eric Chiang Adam Gough 1
38 Jet Lacquiere Dan Keen 1
38 Euver Naranjo fred lagerman 1
38 Bruce Kelly mark neville 1
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Mark Hayne 8 8 100.00
2 Dirk Grobler 4 4 100.00
2 Eric Abraham 4 4 100.00
4 Joel Parker 2 2 100.00
5 Hervais Maurel 1 1 100.00
5 Robert Biasillo 1 1 100.00
5 Frank McLean 1 1 100.00
5 Dave Flynn 1 1 100.00
5 Geoff Dowton 1 1 100.00
5 Adam Gough 1 1 100.00
5 Simon Taylor 1 1 100.00
5 Oliver Keefe 1 1 100.00
13 Dan Keen 6 7 85.71
14 Timothy Pavlenko 5 6 83.33
14 Peter Volk 5 6 83.33
14 Chris Terry 5 6 83.33
17 Tony Clarke 4 5 80.00
17 Marc Melville 4 5 80.00
17 Robert D'Antoni 4 5 80.00
17 Tome Necevski 4 5 80.00
21 Paul Van Wijk 3 4 75.00
22 Robert McLeod 4 6 66.67
22 Don Weerheim 4 6 66.67
22 Jim Calvert 4 6 66.67
25 Marcus Leung 2 3 66.67
26 Stephen Graham 3 5 60.00
26 mark neville 3 5 60.00
28 Nicholas Chaaya 4 7 57.14
28 Andrew Mcgrath 4 7 57.14
30 Warryn James 3 6 50.00
30 Dean Barr 3 6 50.00
32 Hankins Leung 2 4 50.00
32 Anthony Roberts 2 4 50.00
32 Stephen Mills 2 4 50.00
35 Bradley Douglass 1 2 50.00
35 Roger Lennard 1 2 50.00
37 James Bealey 2 5 40.00
37 Shane Haynes 2 5 40.00
37 Steve Earl 2 5 40.00
37 fred lagerman 2 5 40.00
41 Will Lindsay 2 7 28.57
41 Euver Naranjo 2 7 28.57
43 David Gayle 1 5 20.00
43 steven spence 1 5 20.00
43 Glenn Donnelly 1 5 20.00
46 Jane Mohr 1 6 16.67
46 Solly Sol 1 6 16.67
48 Gavin Richardson 1 7 14.29
48 Martin Wilkinson 1 7 14.29
50 Michael McDowell 0 5 0.00
50 Michael Kling 0 5 0.00
52 Petri Barnard 0 4 0.00
53 Glenn Christensen 0 3 0.00
54 Glen Lochhead 0 2 0.00
54 Amy Condon 0 2 0.00
54 Brendan Cook 0 2 0.00
57 Arrio Tong CY 0 1 0.00
57 Adam Broit 0 1 0.00
57 Robin Brister 0 1 0.00
57 Eric Chiang 0 1 0.00
57 Jet Lacquiere 0 1 0.00
57 Mana Stack 0 1 0.00
57 Bruce Kelly 0 1 0.00
57 Ross Hyytinen 0 1 0.00