Div 2 Mens: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Will Croker 5 5 100.00
2 Shayne Gilroy 1 1 100.00
3 Mitchell Jobson 7 8 87.50
4 Raymond Payne 11 13 84.62
5 Simon Binks 7 9 77.78
6 Matt Berendsen 13 17 76.47
7 Matthew Willis 11 15 73.33
8 Brett Wilson 8 11 72.73
9 Craig Dean 9 13 69.23
10 Jimmy Hoey 8 12 66.67
11 Kyle Page 6 9 66.67
12 Andrew Stewart 8 13 61.54
13 Luke Mellor 8 16 50.00
14 David Green 6 12 50.00
15 brian hinchey 5 11 45.45
16 Ruan Pieters 5 12 41.67
17 Adrian Christie 4 11 36.36
18 Ian Gates 4 12 33.33
18 Nathan Burns 4 12 33.33
20 Mitchell Munecas 3 9 33.33
21 Paul McDougall 2 8 25.00
22 Eamonn Kennerley 1 4 25.00
23 Ryan Johnston 3 13 23.08
24 Rodney Mampusti 2 15 13.33
25 John Lucich 0 11 0.00
26 Alex Howley 0 2 0.00
26 Greg Pollock 0 2 0.00
28 Brad Miller 0 1 0.00
28 Glen Seymour 0 1 0.00
28 Alex Groth 0 1 0.00
28 Michael Turner 0 1 0.00
28 Dave Carlile 0 1 0.00
28 Michael Moon 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Raymond Payne 1525
2 Will Croker 1522
3 Simon Binks 1439
4 Mitchell Jobson 1422
5 Ian Gates 1420
6 Adrian Christie 1413
7 Brett Wilson 1383
8 Matt Berendsen 1375
9 Michael Moon 1363
10 Nathan Burns 1321
11 brian hinchey 1296
12 Ryan Johnston 1293
13 Matthew Willis 1276
14 Luke Mellor 1264
15 Craig Dean 1249
16 Kyle Page 1242
17 Mitchell Munecas 1229
18 Andrew Stewart 1228
19 Greg Pollock 1221
20 Jimmy Hoey 1220
21 David Green 1206
22 John Lucich 1202
23 Ruan Pieters 1183
24 Paul McDougall 1176
25 Michael Turner 1139
26 Rodney Mampusti 1128
27 Alex Howley 1113
28 Brad Miller 1105
29 Glen Seymour 1103
30 Dave Carlile 1094
31 Eamonn Kennerley 1065
32 Shayne Gilroy 1059
33 Alex Groth 1030
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Will Croker 100.00 5 0
2 Brett Wilson 100.00 4 0
3 Kyle Page 100.00 6 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Shayne Gilroy 1 1 100.00
1 Will Croker 1 1 100.00
3 Matthew Willis 4 6 66.67
4 Mitchell Jobson 2 3 66.67
5 Brett Wilson 3 5 60.00
5 David Green 3 5 60.00
7 Jimmy Hoey 5 9 55.56
8 Andrew Stewart 4 8 50.00
9 Simon Binks 2 4 50.00
10 Matt Berendsen 2 6 33.33
11 Kyle Page 1 3 33.33
12 Luke Mellor 2 8 25.00
12 Ruan Pieters 2 8 25.00
14 Eamonn Kennerley 1 4 25.00
14 Mitchell Munecas 1 4 25.00
16 brian hinchey 1 5 20.00
17 Paul McDougall 1 6 16.67
17 Adrian Christie 1 6 16.67
19 Ryan Johnston 1 8 12.50
20 Rodney Mampusti 1 14 7.14
21 John Lucich 10 0.00
22 Nathan Burns 5 0.00
23 Ian Gates 3 0.00
23 Craig Dean 3 0.00
25 Brad Miller 1 0.00
25 Alex Groth 1 0.00
25 Greg Pollock 1 0.00
25 Michael Turner 1 0.00
25 Dave Carlile 1 0.00
25 Alex Howley 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Eamonn Kennerley 860 1065 205
2 Andrew Stewart 1149 1228 79
3 Jimmy Hoey 1142 1220 78
4 Dave Carlile 1020 1094 74
5 Matt Berendsen 1304 1375 71
6 Matthew Willis 1238 1276 38
7 Alex Groth 992 1030 38
8 Mitchell Jobson 1387 1422 35
9 Mitchell Munecas 1199 1229 30
10 Luke Mellor 1235 1264 29
11 Simon Binks 1413 1439 26
12 Brett Wilson 1358 1383 25
13 Michael Turner 1118 1139 21
14 Alex Howley 1095 1113 18
15 Brad Miller 1088 1105 17
16 Will Croker 1506 1522 16
17 Kyle Page 1236 1242 6
18 Shayne Gilroy 1055 1059 4
19 Adrian Christie 1411 1413 2
20 David Green 1205 1206 1
21 Paul McDougall 1175 1176 1
22 Craig Dean 1250 1249 -1
23 Michael Moon 1370 1363 -7
24 John Lucich 1211 1202 -9
25 brian hinchey 1306 1296 -10
26 Greg Pollock 1234 1221 -13
27 Nathan Burns 1340 1321 -19
28 Raymond Payne 1545 1525 -20
29 Ryan Johnston 1315 1293 -22
30 Rodney Mampusti 1155 1128 -27
31 Ian Gates 1452 1420 -32
32 Glen Seymour 1135 1103 -32
33 Ruan Pieters 1222 1183 -39
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 John Lucich 11 11 100.00
2 Alex Howley 2 2 100.00
2 Greg Pollock 2 2 100.00
4 Brad Miller 1 1 100.00
4 Glen Seymour 1 1 100.00
4 Alex Groth 1 1 100.00
4 Michael Turner 1 1 100.00
4 Dave Carlile 1 1 100.00
4 Michael Moon 1 1 100.00
10 Rodney Mampusti 13 15 86.67
11 Ryan Johnston 10 13 76.92
12 Paul McDougall 6 8 75.00
13 Eamonn Kennerley 3 4 75.00
14 Ian Gates 8 12 66.67
14 Nathan Burns 8 12 66.67
16 Mitchell Munecas 6 9 66.67
17 Adrian Christie 7 11 63.64
18 Ruan Pieters 7 12 58.33
19 brian hinchey 6 11 54.55
20 Luke Mellor 8 16 50.00
21 David Green 6 12 50.00
22 Andrew Stewart 5 13 38.46
23 Jimmy Hoey 4 12 33.33
24 Kyle Page 3 9 33.33
25 Craig Dean 4 13 30.77
26 Brett Wilson 3 11 27.27
27 Matthew Willis 4 15 26.67
28 Matt Berendsen 4 17 23.53
29 Simon Binks 2 9 22.22
30 Raymond Payne 2 13 15.38
31 Mitchell Jobson 1 8 12.50
32 Will Croker 0 5 0.00
33 Shayne Gilroy 0 1 0.00