(based on Rules dated 1 November, 1968 and incorporating various amendments agreed since that date)


1. To be played annually in each island alternatively.

2. In the event of no competition being played in any one year, the trophy shall be held by the last winner, provided that winner is not the cause of the default. In such a case it is to be handed over to the challenger provided that the challenger has a team to compete.

3. Each team shall consist of 12 players, 6 ladies and 6 men to play the following:-

9 Ladies Doubles
9 Mens Doubles
12 Mixed Doubles.

The Mixed Doubles shall be in 3 sections. Total number of matches in all shall not exceed 30.

4. In the event of an equal number of matches being won by each team, the winner shall be determined by the number of games played and won. Should, however, a tie again result the trophy shall be held jointly. There will be no count back of points.

5. The players shall be bona fide residents in the Island prior to 1st September of that season.

6. In the event of any player becoming incapacitated after play in a match has begun so that he or she cannot continue playing, the Captain shall be entitled to include a reserve in any subsequent matches in which such incapacitated player should have taken part, provided that the consent of the opposing Captain has been obtained.

7. The RSL Competition shall be played in the first half of the season and the Gilson Cup Competition shall be played in the second half of the season.


8. Teams shall be selected from:

(a) Those players who have never competed in a Gilson Cup Competition; and

(b) Those players who have not played in the previous Gilson Cup Competition. The qualification of any player to play in RSL Competitions will not be affected if that player is called in to play as a reserve for a Gilson Cup team after the Gilson Cup Competition has started. A selected player in a Gilson Cup Competition shall count it as an appearance in a Gilson Cup Competition even though that player is substituted after one game.


9. The Junior Inter-Insular shall be played in accordance with Rules 1 to 6 inclusive, and teams shall be selected from players under 18 years of age at midnight on the preceding 31st August/1st September.

10. The Junior Inter-Insular shall be played during the first half of the season.


11. The Veterans Inter-Insular shall be played in accordance with Rules 1 to 6 inclusive, and teams shall be selected from players aged 40 and over on the date of the match.

12. The Veterans Inter-Insular shall be played during the second half of the season.


13. To be played annually in each Island alternatively.

14. The Leadbeater Shield shall be played in accordance with Rules 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 above.

15. Each team shall consist of 16 players, 4 boys and 4 girls in each of the Under 12 and Under 15 age groups.

16. Teams shall be selected from players aged under 12 years and under 15 years respectively as at midnight on the preceding 31 August/1 September.

17. In each age group the players will be ranked and play their opposing number ie: 4 boys singles and 4 girls singles .

There will be 2 boys and 2 girls doubles pairs who will play each of the opposing pairs ie: 4 boys doubles and 4 girls doubles.

There will be 4 mixed pairs divided into 2 groups. Each pair in a group playing each of the opposing pairs ie: 4 matches in each group.

There will be a total of 24 matches in each age group.

The match score will be the combined score of the 2 age groups ie: best of 48 matches.

18. The Leadbeater Shield shall be played during the second half of the season.


All Inter-Insular representative teams which are subsidised by their Island Association shall travel together to the match.

In the event that a team is delayed by weather or other unforeseen circumstances the match will be rearranged at a mutually convenient date.

For Gilson/RSL/Veterans Matches

All team members shall be members of Clubs affiliated to their Island Association.

For Under 18 Inter-Insular/Leadbeater Shield Matches

All team members should be members of Junior or Senior Clubs affiliated to their Island Association.


All rule changes incorporated from previous correspondence and those incorporated at this stage are highlighted in red.

August 2003

(drawn up by Reg Leadbeater, Sue Naftel & Kathy Stuart)